Monday, 20 August 2012


WOW The Olympics was AWESOME I wish it would keep on going for ever!
My best friend Charlotte and I have keeped an eye on Mark Todd and Andrew Nicholson in Equation. It has been great fun cheering them on!
I would like to know what your favourite thing was about the Olympics!

This is the Olympic New Zealand Equation team!
from right to left is Mark Todd then Andrew Nicholson

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

My Pets!

These are my pets Cruze (PONY) and my Ginge (cat)
This is my pony Cruze looking up his head!
This is my cat Ginge who is sitting on a
post that is about 2m high!

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Last term we were learning about Poems.
We had to do ether an I Am poem and three little poems or four little poems.
I did an I Am poem and three other little poems.
So here are mine that I did. I did a I Am poem and three little poems. So this is one of my poems! it's about yellow!